Rust Rapture Collection
Rust Rapture Collection
I am starting to post some of my Rust Rapture Collection which is culled from 8 years of shooting Rat Rods (Old vintage hot rods whose exteriors have been left to the demise of mother nature…) “TENACITY” is one of my first and favorites. It is a 1938 Buick drivers door panel and door hinge. I have found several facebook groups who are interested in this same kind of work. They are RUST Avant*Garde, Rust Art and Rusted Art. This one is hanging on the kitchen wall of my brother in law and sister in Winston-Salem.

Fine art photograph TENACITY – 1938 Buick rat rod Drivers Door Hinge
Fun Family Portrait with 3 kids
Fun family portrait with 3 kids
This was a fun family portrait with 3 kids. But first you have to let the children play. This playground was exceptional for entertainment and it offered several nice scenes for a family portrait. This first one is my favorite because the kids were the focal point and the starts of the shot. That always make shooting kids easier – when it is about them! This portrait was lit with my 2 Vision4 strobes and my Canon Mark III camera.

Shelton Family family portrait Austin at playground

Shelton Family family portrait Austin at playground